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Gen X - they are invested in ageing gracefully.

Gen X

Generation X became adults; they were renowned for being independent, dedicated, savvy, and innovative. 
Generation X straddle an interesting divide. They remember when Internet access wasn't the norm and grew up with a more traditional business model. However, they also came of age at the beginning of the Internet revolution. As a result, they have adapted, using the Internet in many ways their younger Millennial siblings do. 


By straddling this critical divide, Gen X feels comfortable in both traditional and digital markets.
Gen X is renowned for being sceptical. Due to this scepticism, brands have to work to gain their loyalty. High-quality products and excellent customer service are two components that members of Generation X value. They also want authentic, trustworthy, relevant, and reliable brands. 
The good news is that Gen X tends to stick with the brands they love. Almost 50% of Gen are incredibly loyal or quite loyal to their favourite brands.  
To target Generation X, you need to understand what they value.
As an Aesthetics Company or Cosmetic HCP Provider, to gain their loyalty requires you to prove authenticity and relevance.


Gen X wants high-value, cost-effective options. They expect quality products. Fortunately, if you provide quality products and service consistently, you will earn the loyalty of Gen X for many years to come.   
Once your brand earns the loyalty of a Gen X member, that person is likely to remain a loyal customer for years to come.

Gen X Facts


Annual Spend: $357 billion

Social media channel of choice: Facebook, LinkedIn
Most responsive to Word of Mouth, Email Marketing
The device of choice: Desktop or Laptop

Key Characteristics:

Prefers honest and clear product and marketing messages

Requires clear paths to purchase

Most likely to conduct online research at home and shop in person

Most influenced by email marketing campaigns

Prefers unique, high-quality products

Customer service is the most important driver of loyalty

Incentivized by discounts/freebies/coupons

Does not care for brand engagement

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